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Video card heatsink, Scythe Setsugen 2 - Test Results

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Test Results



GPU temperatures show a very good behavior of the Scythe Setsugen 2. Idle temperatures are average, with a behavior similar to other heatsinks, possibly penalized by the thickness of the base compared to Direct Contact technology solutions. At full load the Scythe Setsugen 2 shows its full potential. With fan at full speed, temperatures differ from those of Icy Vision Gelid Solutions of just one degree, and with fan at 800 RPM, temperatures rise a bit, but still remain very low and lower than many other solutions with 7V fan.



Analyzing the temperature of the VRM we noted a problem that obvously we expected. Because the VRM, positioned on the far left of the card in the HD 4870, remain completely uncovered, without being invested by the flow of heat sink, the temperatures rise easily, and in fact are generally higher than those of other bi-fan solutions.It should be noted, however, that the tests were carried out on a banquet, so no additional ventilation. By installing the video card in a well-ventilated case, surely the VRM temperatures would drop a few degrees. However, except in low RPM configuration, they have never shown concern.



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